Dumplings - This is really a rather extensive category of foods
The Outdoor Group Grilling - Cooking over direct heat with the food usually supported by a grate of some kind. This procedure can be performed indoors as nicely with all the right equipment. Smoking - This is essentially two sub classes. Sexy smoking is cooking in temperatures that will prepare the food at an identical time it infuses the foods with smoke taste. Cold smoking is done with the warmth source different from the cooking chamber thus that the meals is enveloped in non temperature smoke which will infuse flavor without cooking. Rotisserie - Like grilling, this system does not necessarily need to be done outdoors for the blessed few who have the capability in an well-equipped kitchen. Either method this is cooking with the food suspended over or next to direct heat and emptied via by some mechanical ways. Even the Sauce Group This is where it will get a little dicey and certainly will distinguish the cooks out of the pretenders. Some of these techniques are best lea...